WEEK 11 RESULTS – 10 MINUTE TRAINER by Tony Horton …

Week        Last week – This Week    (+/- )        Overall results

Wednesday January 14th, 2009 – Day 1 Weigh in – 235 lbs 

Week 1     235lbs  –  224.5lbs   ( -10.5lbs)  Total Weight Loss 10.5 lbs.  19.5 lbs to my goal.   

Wednesday January 21th, 2009 – “A good overall first week.  With the change in diet, I expected these kind of results.”

Week 2     224.5lbs  –  227.5 lbs   (+3.0lbs)  Total Weight Loss  7.5 lbs.  22.5 lbs to my goal.

Wednesday January 28th, 2009 – “I expected a gain in weight.  I hoped not to, but I felt a balance happening.  Expect Lean results week 3?

Week 3     227.5 lbs  –  223.0 lbs   (-4.5 lbs)    Total Weight Loss  12 lbs.  18 lbs to my goal.

Wednesday February 4th, 2009 – “I’m happy with the results after 3 weeks, but still not at my goal of 210lbs.  9 weeks to go and I’m commited”

Week 4     223.0 lbs  –  220.0lbs    (-3.0 lbs)    Total Weight Loss 15 lbs.  15 lbs to my goal.

Wednesday February 11, 2009 – “I’m impressed!  I’m happy!  I’m excited for the next 4 week phase.  I’m faster! I’m stronger! and I just know that I will achieve my goal of 205lbs lean and mean.  Phase 1 is over (the first 4 weeks).  Durning Phase 2, the goal is to complete 2 a day.  They can be one after another or morning/afternoon, but 2 a days for the next 4 weeks.”

Week 5     220.0 lbs  –  219.0 lbs   (-1.0 lb)       Total Weight Loss 16.0 lbs.  14 lbs to my goal.

Wednesday February 18th, 2009 – “Only 1 lb of official weight loss, but… my scale tells me that I am officially down 2.5% body fat over last week.  Muscle mass up, body fat down.  I still need to increase the effort, but not bad for the first week of doubling up.”

Week 6     219.0 lbs  –  218.0 lbs   (-1.0 lb)      Total Weight Loss 17.0 lbs.  13 lbs to my goal

Wednesday February 25, 2009 – “Another week, another pound. Are the results matching my effort?  YES!  It may not seem so on by the number on the scale BUT  TRUST ME the reflection in the mirror speaks for itself!  Absolutely amazing!  It’s magic”

Week 7    218.0 lbs  –   214.8 lbs   (-3.2 lbs)   Total Weight Loss 20.2 lbs.  9.8lbs to my goal.

Wednesday March 4th, 2009 – “It’s official!  49 days 20.2 lbs.  How? Why?  It felt to easy.  Things are never easy and I worked extemely hard.  1. to stay on track and be consistant.  2. To eat 5 planned meals daily and be consistent with my eating habits by eating the right food and eating frequently.  3. Not quiting!  Fairly simple isn’t it?  And not all that hard.

Week 8   214.8 lbs  –  213.0 lbs   (-1.8 lbs)    Total Weight Loss 22 lbs.  8.0 lbs to my goal.

Wednesday March 11, 2009 – Not to shabby for a week where I ate out twice.  To still loose almost 2 lbs is pretty darn good.  There has to be something there about consistency.  My metabolism must be on fire.  Now that I am starting Phase III – 3 workouts daily.  I may need to be carefull not to loose too much weight. 8lbs to go.  Should be simple!  Knock on wood.”      

Week 9   213.0 lbs  –  220.0 lbs    (+7 lbs)    Total Weight Loss 15 lbs15 lbs to my goal.

Wednesday March 18, 2009 – The results will be in a little late this week due to the Vacation.  To keep things consistant, it makes sense to weigh in using the same scale.  I plan to post the results on thusday when I arrive back into Vancouver.  That gives me a couple days to cleanse becuase I know teh results went the other direction.

Friday March 20th, 2009 – Well, I weighed in today because I couldn’t on Wednesday.  I gained 7 lbs while on vacation at Disneyland.  Am I happy about that.  No, not really.  But, I knew I would gain some weight back.  It was extremely challenging sticking to an eating plan while in Disney Land because there were so many temptations.  I kind of took the road of “well I’m on vacation, so I take a break from eating right.”  It probably wasn’t a bad thing that I took a break.  It just means that I need to work really hard these last 3 weeks to make my goal of 205 lbs.

Week 10   220.0 lbs – 212.6 lbs  (-7.4 lbs)   Total Weight Loss 22.4 lbs7.6 lbs to my goal.

Wednesday March 25, 2009 – weighed in today and WOW!  I shed the 7 pounds that I gained in disney land plus 1/2 a pound.  I’m siked because my body is on fire.  My mets are reved.  This week is the big week becuase its the week before the last.  If I want to achieve my goal, then I am hoping I hit it at the end of this week.

Week 11   212.6 lbs – 210.6 lbs   (-2.0 lbs)  Total Weight Loss 24.4 lbs. 5.6 lbs to my goal.

Wednesday April 1, 2009   5.6lbs to my goal.  I hit the 210 mark.  25lbs gone in 77 days.  7 days remaining.  5lbs remaining.  Let’s see what I can do.  Place your bets.

Week 12   210.6 lbs  – 

Wednesday April 8, 2009 – 

My goal  205.0 lbs – My Personal Weight Goal by the start of Week 13 is 205 lbs.



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